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Our Catalog

2023-2024 Product Catalog
Adaptivation strives to keep prices listed in its catalog accurate and up to date. However, price changes for other manufacturers' products listed in our catalog are beyond our control. Because of these changes, the hardcopy of our catalog may not be up to date. Prices listed on this website better represent actual manufacturers' prices, but for the most up to date prices, please contact Adaptivation.
We would be happy to send you a hardcopy catalog. Just contact us, and we'll drop one in the mail. If you teach college-level students, conduct workshops or in-services, or are a dealer or AT center, we can send multiple copies.
Assistive technology switches & voice communication devices. Adaptive switches, PalPad, Taction Pad, HoneyBee, Sequencer, Randomizer, VoicePal. Adaptivation.
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